Open Standards and Targeted Resources: Crafting Dynamic Recommendations for English Learners

Submitted for presentation at ISTE 2023

States can now publish officially approved, machine-readable alignments between K12 content standards and English language development standards, using the open “standard for standards” (CASE). We show how these alignments enable content providers to target resource recommendations for English learners to teachers who are less well-versed in ELD pedagogy.

[A brief description of CASE will be provided here]

Click here to browse the official alignments between the Georgia Standards of Excellence for Social Studies and the WIDA English Language Development standards. (The link will take you directly to a specific standard, SS3G2, with alignments to WIDA standards ELD-SI.K-3.Inform and ELD-SS.2-3.Explain.Expressive. You can then browse the rest of the Social Studies standards [and other content standard frameworks] from there.)