Standards Satchel

Standards Satchel is a learning standards publishing and distribution system, aimed at state education agencies, school districts, and other organizations that issue learning standard frameworks. 

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  • Key features:

    • CASE Certified: Satchel is an IMS Global/1EdTech-certified CASE provider, meaning that standards are published in the standard CASE JSON format, and are accessible to the world via standard CASE APIs.

    • Authoring Tools: Satchel includes state-of-the-art tools for importing standards from PDFs, spreadsheets, or other formats, and/or for authoring standards directly in the system. And once a standards framework has been initially drafted, Satchel provides additional tools and workflows for “cleaning up,” reviewing, publishing, and revising frameworks.

    • Standards Explorer: Satchel features a modern, fluid user interface that educators can use to explore standards, including an AI-driven search engine.

    • Facilitating Associations: Satchel includes an easy-to-use interface for SMEs to create associations between standards, as well as a slick interface to allow educators to visualize associations in the standards explorer.

    • Collaboration Tools: Users can add comments to standards, and share their comments with other users using “comment groups.” This can be especially helpful when agencies are revising standards or creating sets of associations between frameworks.

    • Print/Save as PDF: Satchel includes functionality that allows whole frameworks (e.g. all of a state’s Science standards), or parts of frameworks (e.g. standards for 3rd grade science) to be printed or saved as a PDF, with the user able to specify exactly what information to include in the print/PDF output.

    • WIDA Alignments: The WIDA consortium has encoded their 2020 English Language Development Standards Framework in CASE format using Satchel, and is hosting the CASE framework in a Satchel instance. Common Good Learning Tools has developed a workflow that allows subject matter experts to easily generate, review, and finalize alignments between state/local standards and the WIDA standards. (This process was generated in consultation with WIDA, and is already being successfully used by the state of Georgia.) These alignments can then be printed out from Satchel to submit for Title I conformance requirement purposes. And more importantly, if your agency hosts their standards in Satchel, teachers can use Satchel to view and explore the associations between state standards and WIDA’s Language Expectations and Proficiency Level Descriptors, providing a valuable resource to help teachers in all four core subject areas help their students with language development.

    Pricing: Our preferred model for working with standards issuing agencies is for Common Good Learning Tools (CGLT) to initially stand up an AWS server instance for the agency, with Satchel installed and configured with the agency’s chosen logo, styles, and domain name. CGLT then provides the agency with initial training on using the system, helps the agency get their standards loaded into the instance and mirrored on the CASE Network, and maintains the system for at least the first year, all at a very reasonable cost. After that first year, the agency can choose to have CGLT continue to maintain the system, at an even lower cost per year; or CGLT will grant the agency a free perpetual license to Satchel, allowing them to migrate to their own server and take over maintenance themselves. And of course, the standards data is all in standard CASE JSON format, so the agency is always free to migrate those JSON files to any other IMS Global/1EdTech-certified CASE provider at any time. 

    Current Satchel users include the states of Georgia and Alabama as well as the WIDA consortium.