Product Release Notes
Quarter 4 2024 (Oct - Dec) In Progress
Rubrics (BETA)
✨ A NEW feature is being developed to support CASE® rubrics.
Rubrics will be visible within the frameworks they are connected too (similar to the way associations appear now).
System / Framework Admin and Editors will have access to this option from the editing menu.
Import options are also being developed in conjunction with the BETA release of this feature.
Canvas Export for Outcomes (Released - Nov 2024)
✨ All frameworks in Satchel can be exported to a format for easy import into Canvas
Choose the item type from the framework that you plan to use for '“outcomes” and the export will group all remaining unselected item types as groups into the format required for Canvas.
🤩 Big thanks to Arizona DOE and their districts for their collaboration in building this feature; examples coming soon.
Subscribe Code - Add Comment Group Members (Released - Nov 2024)
✨ Now the creator of a Comment Group can give framework reviewers a join code
Signed in Satchel users sometimes want to collaborate in real time around a framework. Creating a Comment Group on the fly for an Admin / Editor of a Framework was tedious before but now, voila… members can be added instantly via a join code.
🤩 Big thanks to Georgia DOE and their professional services team for this request.
Quarter 3 2024 (Jul - Sep)
Batch Import Tools Enhancements
✨ Ever wanted to batch add meta data, associations, or new items? Wish granted!
For System or Framework Admin and Editors there are now edit framework options to batch import associations and batch import items (or meta data).
More Meta Data
✨ Meta data that has been added to an item within a framework is now visible from the tree and table views.
Framework viewers can access item meta data on the item card (tree view) and enable viewing of meta table from the filters (table view) for export.
Framework editors have the added option for editing an item’s meta data and viewing the field description from the tooltip.
🤩 Kudos to Georgia and South Carolina for pioneering these innovative uses of CASE®.
Quarter 2 2024 (Apr - Jun)
CASE® 1.1 Upgrade - Extended Associations for Crosswalks (BETA)
✨ Crosswalk Association tools have been released to select partners
Carnegie Learning, the College Board, South Carolina Department of Education, Alabama Department of Education, and Georgia Department of Education are our first partners to try out the Crosswalk tools in their Satchel instances.
Look for User Guides and more information soon about when the Crosswalk tool will be available for all CASE® publishers using Satchel. Contact us if you want more information.
Quarter 1 2024 (Jan - Mar)
CASE Network 2 - Updated Frameworks
✨ Frameworks have been updated!
As part of Common Good Learning Tool’s commitment to the goal of getting all states into CASE® to make standards interoperable across districts’ digital ecosystems, we have updated the ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies frameworks in the CASE Network to the most current versions we could find.
Once you register (free for all schools and districts), take a look at the Framework Update Report and sign up for notifications to keep up to date when new frameworks become available.
December 2023
Track Changes upgrades
✨ Tracking changes to a framework, just got easier!
Any signed in Satchel user can use their hamburger menu to find the Framework Updates Report and pick a comparison archive (version) to view changes and details.
Updated Export and Print options
✨ Filters have been improved
Implementation Date, Retirement Date, and other metadata fields have been added as filters for available data to export using table view or print from tree view.
Google Translate
✨ Google Translate is now available as a viewing option in the hamburger menu
Toggling Google Translate on will allow a user to view all items and website menus form the selected language.
November 2023
CASE Network 2
✨ Common Good Learning Tools has teamed up with 1EdTech to launch CASE Network 2
With public access (no sign in required), anyone can explore and print all 50 states core four frameworks and more by visiting
By registering (free for educators, schools, and non-commercial entities), users can export frameworks and get updates about changes.
Watch the video, learn more about the CASE Network benefits, or view the full press release.
User Guide updates
✨ Our User Guides have been recently updated
Find even more information about your instance of Standards Satchel (CASE Network 2, WIDA Digital Explorer, Georgia SuitCASE, etc.) by using the blue “i” icon.
October 2023
Print - Date & Time Stamped Header
✨ Printing options were upgraded to include a date and time stamped header.
Comments - Mark as Resolved buttons
✨ A NEW Mark as Resolved button appears on comments for comment authors and the Comment Group Admin.
The Show All view of comments also has a new filter checkbox, to show or hide resolved comments.
Use this new feature to preserve the comment history for a framework and speed up your framework review process.
September 2023
Metadata Bonus
✨ NEW metadata fields were added to frameworks to allow System / Framework admin to apply an implementation start date and / or retired end dates for frameworks.
Watch the video to see different views of how applying these dates will appear for viewers with access to the frameworks.
Use these dates in conjunction with the status field to inform the public of various stages of adoption to implementation of the standards and competencies.
Framework Index
✨ The table view of the Framework Index got an upgrade:
Quickly see the adoption status of frameworks with clear and colorful labels
System Admin level users with a Standards Satchel subscription (issuing agencies only), note the Mirror icon to access information about mirrored frameworks.